Information provided below to make phone sex purchases online.
Please note that if you wish to chat with someone specific and are planning to buy your phone sex call online, to please make sure they are available prior to purchasing time. Otherwise just purchase a block of chat time and someone will be able to talk with you.
If you CANNOT reach the operator of your choice, feel free to use our phone sex chatline. You will reach the next available operator and can use your prepaid time purchased online to chat with them.
PHONE SEX CHATLINE 1-888-488-0772
$2.00 per minute with a 10 minute minimum.
Looking for 2 Girls? $4.00 per minute, 10 minute minimum
All calls have a $2.50 connection fee.
Visa, Amex, Discover & Master Card accepted
We also accept pre-paid credit/gift cards
Must be 18+ to use this service
All calls billed on your statements as Sonefex Inc.
IMPORTANT: Please make sure the operator you want to do a call with is available before buying your call online. Would suck if you pay for a call (minimum $22.50 +) and then cannot reach them.
Prepaid phonesex time purchased is NOT banked, receipt is valid for one call only. If you wish to extend your time, purchase another call.
$22.50 for 10 minutes of phone sex
$42.50 for 20 minutes of phone sex
Purchase Calls Longer than 20 minutes